Large Project Portfolio

Professional pamphlets, showcasing my graphic design & copywriting abilities.

Short Putts - Monthly Newsletter

Since Spring 2023, I have been the sole designer, editor, and photographer for Dearborn Country Club’s monthly membership publication, Short Putts. Access my version of the November ‘23 edition below.

Annual Meeting Powerpoint Presentation

Dearborn Country Club hosted its 2023 Annual Meeting for the membership in November of this year. I was tasked with executing a member-facing presentation, to be utilizing by our General Manager, Club President, and members of the 2023 Board of Governors.

Dearborn Country Club Membership Pamphlet

In June 2023, I individually executed a complete redesign of Dearborn Country Club’s Membership Pamphlet. In addition the extensive graphic design work, this project employed my skills in photography, copywriting, and copyediting.

2023 Legacy Classic Powerpoint Presentation

As the largest annual fundraising opportunity, Dearborn Country Club’s Legacy Classic is the single most important event in the calendar year. I had the opportunity to create two presentations for the event. The following example ran continuously for eight hours for members’ viewing.

New Member Orientation Packet

In an effort to increase new member satisfaction and and retention, I created a New Member Orientation Packet to help educate new country club members on the amenities, policies, and club standards. The packet has proved to elevate the professionalism of the club’s membership process while dually better-preparing members to make the most of their time with the club.


Photography Portfolio